Seasonal cooking school in Devon

“Good food isn’t something to be counted in calories, or picked out in the supermarket ready-made in a plastic box. Food should be grown, shared and enjoyed. It should inspire, nourish and excite.

From the blog

  • Malted Naked Oat Loaf Recipe

    Malted naked oat flour gives this loaf a deliciously creamy sweetness while the whole grains add a pleasing crunch. Together they make for a hearty loaf with a rich complex flavour. If you’re new to…

  • Garden Herbs – a social history, medicinal and culinary uses

    I think sometimes we forget that the common overlooked herbs and plants in our gardens, have a rich history and many medicinal and culinary uses. We don’t always need to buy exotic herbs or go…

  • Moroccan Style Carrot Salad

    This is one of my go to salads whenever we are having a BBQ, dinner party or when I have a couple of carrots left over that need eating up. Have it as part of…